About Mary

Mary Schurr is an Integrative Health Coach, wife, and life-long student of health, food, and wellness. Mary graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition based in NYC, where during a year she received in-depth training in food, health and wellness, coaching skills, and business development. She became a Certified Health Coach to fulfill her desire to work with others to improve their health and their quality of life. 

After watching close family members, especially her mother, dealing with multiple health issues over the years it was clear this was not a path she wanted to follow. The family medical history was filled with cancer, hypothyroidism, hypertension, strokes, elevated cholesterol, mental health issues, diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, kidney failure, and amputations. It was heartbreaking to see those she loved so much, her mother and grandparents, suffer without being able to make lasting changes in their health and well-being.

Over the years it took several screenings and test results where Mary's own symptoms were taking a gradual turn in the wrong direction for her to get the message and make real change. She thought she was healthy....she looked and seemed healthy. But, little things were starting to come up. Sadly, that is true of so many of us, but better to decide to make changes late than never. Metabolic issues such as hypothyroidism with blood sugar levels climbing, weight gain, blood pressure rising, thermography screening showing high risk of breast cancer, and miserable skin rashes that at times covered most of her body, The messages were starting to come through loud and clear. It was time for a serious change and she began her work to improve her health and to avoid a laundry list of medications. Today she is medication free and excited about helping others improve their health through simple whole foods and lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, sometimes the toughest life lessons are how we learn best.

"Your Future is created by what you do Today." What does your Tomorrow look like? Take the first step towards the person you'd like to see in the Future in your mirror.  ~Robert Kiyosaki

Mary offers health, wellness, and lifestyle coaching on an individual and group basis. Both in person, but mainly through video chat such as Skype, Messenger, Zoom, etc. or just a simple phone call.  This allows her to work with clients locally (avoiding traffic or taking so much time off work to commute for appointments) or in completely different time zones. Contact Mary today for an individual consultation or for a free discovery call to learn about each other and see if you both are a fit.
