All Posts by Mary Schurr


About the Author

Mary Schurr is an Integrative Health Coach in Charlotte, NC and a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC. She works with clients by phone or virtually.

Apr 03

Water-It’s Necessary for Life!

By Mary Schurr | Articles

Why is water so important to your health, well-being, and even life itself? You can live around 3 weeks without food. But, you can only live about 3-7 days without water. Keep in mind your body is about 60-70% water and it is crucial to so many of its processes. Yes, water it's necessary for life, indeed! There are many opinions out there as to how much water a person needs per day. The best answer may depends.

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Jan 19

Being Grateful-You Woke Up To Yet Another Day

By Mary Schurr | Articles

What are you grateful for today? Gratitude is a wonderful way to begin the day. We are told when we are stressed to think of the things for which we are grateful. That it is impossible to feel stress while feeling grateful. It's practice that can take place at the beginning of the day when you wake, at the end of the day before you sleep, or even at a traffic light during your commute. Perhaps, in the car really IS a good time to be grateful to offset the stress of rush hour! To be grateful you woke up to yet another day. 

Today as I scrolled my app that I sometimes use for guided meditation, but more often as a timer for it, I noticed a short 4 minute talk. The title was focused on how to live blissfully and I decided to give it a listen before meditating. Basically, it was about being grateful for life and reminding us that our life is really just a "brief happening" to quote the author. We woke up today. Hopefully, our loved ones all woke up today, too. Probably, a million people didn't wake up today or one of their loved ones didn't. We really are fortunate just to be here. To have another day. It was a simple, but really good reminder.

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Aug 28

Change in Seasons-Time for a Change in Lifestyle?

By Mary Schurr | Articles

Fall is right around the corner. I know! It's hard for me to believe, too.  Bye bye summer and hello to cooler weather of fall. Back to school always made September feel like a new beginning for me. I thought of goals and plans for the rest of the year and for the next. A time of change or transition. For many, it is the perfect time for a detox, reboot, or reset. What exactly is a detox, reboot,  or reset? Is it a cleanse? Do you just drink juices or liquids? Lighter foods? Or just clean up your diet? Can anyone do it? Is it safe? The answer is that cliche we often hear. It depends.

There are many ways to detox (we'll use this term for now), but they don't all work well for everyone all the time. We are all different and at different points on our path. What works for you today might have been too much for you a year ago. Or not...if your health declines a bit due to stress or other lifestyle strains, then you may be backpedaling a bit and need an less stressful approach for your body. Basically, we are constantly changing, reacting, and adjusting to our circumstances and so must our routines, food choices, exercise, sleep, etc. It can benefit the body to give the digestive system a break for a day or so, but it should be based on each individual and their unique needs.

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Aug 27

Watermelon-A Summertime Treat with Benefits

By Mary Schurr | Articles

For me there is no other food that says "summer" quite the way that watermelon does. Hydrating, refreshing, and yes, it is sweet. I loved it growing up and I still love it now. The taste of pre-sliced at the grocery is just not the same as sliced fresh for yourself at home. It's good to know it has many benefits besides just tasting so darn good.

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Jul 08

Easy Chocolate Dessert for Two

By Mary Schurr | Recipes

Chocolate Mousse

This is a dairy-free chocolate mousse, using avocado that is easy and can be make in a high speed blender such as a Vitamix or a food processor. So healthy you could have it for breakfast. And, you’d never guess it has avocado in it!
Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Dairy-free
Servings: 2 servings
Author: Mary Schurr


  • 2 medium avocados ripe
  • 1/3 cup raw cacao powder or more according to your taste
  • 5 fresh or dried dates pitted, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch sea salt
  • toasted coconut, chocolate nips, or berries optional for garnish


  • Soak the dates in warm water for 10-30 minutes to soften
  • Add avocado, dates, milk, vanilla, salt, and cacao powder to blender or food processor
  • Blend until smooth. You may need to add more liquid for easier blending. You may need tamper for Vitamix while blending and scraping sides at times.
  • Adjust ingredients to taste, adding more powder if needed
  • Serve and garnish with choice of toppings.


It is very stiff blending for me using the Vitamix, but it does work well. I do add a bit of the date water or more milk to add in blending. You could use any type of milk that you prefer. You could play with different types of extract for different flavors such as peppermint. I used sweetened cacao nips, raspberries, and mint leaves in the photo.
Recipe Courtesy of Food Matters TV
Mar 18

Why We Should Use Less Single Use Plastic Straws.

By Mary Schurr | Articles

Did you know that plastic single use straws are the 7th top form of plastic pollution? Yes, there are other forms of plastic that are higher on the list such as plastic bottles, plastic wrap, etc. But, do we really need plastic straws in most cases? Their size and shape make them especially problematic to sea creatures. They really don't recycle very well in most systems due to being so lightweight and small. The micro-particles of plastic or microplastics have been found  ingested by birds, turtles, sealife, and show up in things such as sea salt or tap water. Most of us don't really don't need straws for most drinks and if we do, there are other solutions. Single use plastic straws are one small plastic item that we could work to reduce, if not eliminate, by just saying no to them.

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Feb 23

Broccoli Sprouts-Powerful Medicinal Food

By Mary Schurr | Articles


Broccoli sprouts are such small little guys, so how could they be such a powerful medicinal food? Most people know that broccoli is a healthy food, but make room in the fridge for broccoli sprouts. I bought these from Crouching-Hippo Farm at Charlotte Regional Farmers Market and they just don't get any fresher, unless you sprout them yourself.

They have garnered a ton of attention for their cancer fighting ability, especially breast cancer, but other cancers as well,  by inhibiting the cancer stem cells from populating. There is recent research that indicates they may have compounds that can repair and regenerate nerve tissue (stimulating brain repair). Pretty big impact these little guys have!

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Jan 25

It’s More Than A New Diet

By Mary Schurr | Articles

We’re moving towards the end of January 2019. The gyms and health food stores all get super busy in early January. In just a few weeks, they all return to normal as everyone returns to life as it was before the “New Year”. I’ve heard that most New Year’s resolutions are over by January 12th. How do you make real, lasting change?

You plan and you make small, manageable steps towards success. One, two, or three small changes that are easy to implement and achieve. Then, add more as you find success and confidence. That works for many people. Or for some, you just jump in with one step in mind, go with it, stay consistent, and then add as you feel successful with that first step. We’re all different individuals and what works best for one…well, it just doesn’t cut it for another. Some people are planners and others are just spontaneous. It’s helpful to know what works best for you and not try to be a square peg in a round hole.

We know what we need to do…

Most of us know the changes we need to make. We have a good idea of the foods we should be including more of in our diet, that we should be drinking more water, getting more sleep, and moving/exercising more. We want to make changes. We’ve probably been planning to make these changes for a long time….years even! So, if we know what we want to do, why don’t we? What is holding us back?

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Jul 09

Morning Routine

By Mary Schurr | Articles

Do you have a morning routine? Of course, you probably do. There are certain things you do most mornings without even thinking about it. What would you really like to accomplish each morning in order to take better care of yourself? Self-care is a new buzz word, but one worth taking notice. I thought I would take a quick moment to share my morning routine with you. It's made a big difference for me. I feel better, sleep better, and I'm definitely less stressed. It's simple and adjustable to a degree. 

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Feb 15

Chocolate Mousse

By Mary Schurr | Articles

I love chocolate as many of us do. I’ve found that I do better without most forms of dairy, at least the rich heavy creamy stuff. So, I am always looking for ways to enjoy many of the former foods that I loved before I said good-bye to dairy. Fortunately, today there are many ways to do enjoy those foods and even many restaurants are able to use substitutions this these days. Amazing and wonderful, isn’t it?

This recipe has the creamy goodness of avocado, but you’d never guess it. And, raw cacao is the new superfood; full of antioxidants and increases your serotonin levels to give you that blissful feeling we all love. I use a coconut milk when I make it and you could certainly experiment with Stevia to sweeten instead of the dates.  Or even, try a mixture of the two to find your perfect “blissful” version.

This Chocolate Mousse is a dessert that both my husband and I just love! This photo was taken on Valentine’s Day and sent to him in a text. As they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. The text back was “Holy Smokes! I guess I am heading home right now.” Worked like magic! Continue reading
