Health is Wealth-Can you afford NOT to be Healthy? Part 1

By Mary Schurr | Articles

Jan 10

The news is full of articles about a recession, energy crisis, escalating food prices, world wars, and more. We’ve just come out of what many view as a health crisis lasting over 2 years. Monthly insurance premiums have gone up in most cases. Many are concerns with what they can afford these days and are looking to “cut corners” as best they can. What about your health? Is the saying “Pay now or pay later” still true? Are there options that help with both?

I believe there are options to make changes in your life to benefit your health without costing a lot of money. By making changes in the way you eat, the foods you choose, how you prepare it, and ways of being more conscious or more organized in your daily meals that allow you to make the most of the money you have to spend. In many things in life, there is the idea of perfection or good enough. There are some things where for a time, good enough may work. Some food choices give you bigger benefits than others and there may be some individuality involved as to which food benefits are best for you.

Okay, you say…so how might this work? There are several things that make a big difference in your health and your day to day life that do not cost money or at least not a lot. Let’s begin with the things that are not related to food and then we will go over those in the next blog post. Here are at least 7 to get you started. Try just 1 and then add on from there.

  • Sunshine is something we all need and it is free. Granted it is more difficult to get very much part of the year and in some locations. But, just a few minutes a day is all many people need. Those with darker skin may need a few more minutes, but those with light skin may need only about 15 minutes. Yes, there is Vitamin D, but I suspect there is much more. Even, walking to a window when you first get up can help set your Circadian Rhythm to enable you sleep better at night. I believe there are mood benefits that come from getting outside in the sunshine and fresh air. I find it really helps to turn off the stress.
  • Movement can work with sunshine if you can go for a walk outside. Other options can be stretching movements, yoga, lifting free weights, or using your body to strengthen yourself. There are many videos on the Internet to give you ideas. Your local library can provides books or allow you to use the Internet there to find some ideas for free. Movement helps with both blood and lymph circulation. Both of these are important when so many of us are sitting a lot. Keeping both flowing helps nourish tissues, organs, improve our immune system, and help with detoxification.
  • Sleep is improved by the movement and sunshine. As noted earlier, improving your Circadian Rhythm improves your sleep. We all know the difference in how we feel after a great night’s sleep vs one where we only slept a few hours. It’s huge! We’re all unique in the amount of sleep we need, but most benefit from at least 8-8 1/2 hours of sleep each night. Avoiding electronics an hour before bed is helpful. Keep your TV/computer/phone out of the bedroom or at least put them in airplane mode. Allowing 3 hours between your last meal and bedtime is best for most. Your body has a difficult time digesting food and repairing your system at the same time. Multi-tasking just isn’t what’s it’s cracked up to be! Try to dim as many lights as you can later in the evening, to help your body adjust and prepare to sleep. This article may provide additional help for you.
  • Getting outdoors or time in nature can work with sunshine and movement, but it really adds another helpful component. If you can find time during the day or even during the week to get to a park, a nature preserve, local botanical gardens, local greenway, hiking trails, or even just your small backyard…any of these can provide some benefits to your state of mind or mood. The fresh air, the sunshine, and your movement all provide physical, mental, and spiritual upgrades to your overall health.
  • Spent some time each day or each week with family and/or friends. It can be your evening meal where you focus on enjoying your food (and not listening to the news), discussing what you are grateful for in your day/life, or some memories of times that you really enjoyed. You can include others in your walks outside, exercise at each other’s homes, any of the options for time outside, or just sitting somewhere enjoying the sunshine with your favorite beverage (that you can bring with you to most of the suggestions). On nice days, a picnic in the park sort of idea where everyone brings or helps prepare something can be fun. Potlucks at each other’s homes are thoughts. Consider learning a new skill with others such as knitting, woodworking, a new way of preparing food such as fermenting, a new language, a new computer skill, a new musical instrument, writing a book, or sewing. You may be able to work a trade with who helps you with say…learning to knit and you provide them with something of benefit such as babysit a certain number of hours per month or taking care of their pets and plants while they are out of town. Maybe, you take turns at each other’s home to go in together on certain foods to bulk prepare together and perhaps freeze making upcoming meals much easier. That may save you both money and time.
  • Adding a gratitude practice to any of these is easier than you think. You can do this as you fall to sleep which is helpful since you are focusing on positive and not negative things. When you first wakeup, in the shower, or during your walk/exercise or time outside. Mealtime works well since it is better to avoid stressful thoughts or conversation when you are eating. If there are times when this is hard to do, then focus on moments of joy, excitement, or happiness in your life. When you met someone special, when you found out you got the job you really wanted, a wonderful vacation you really enjoyed, if you have a pet, then how you feel when your pet is so happy to see you, or when you achieved something really important to you. It’s the feeling that you are looking for and trying to recreate.
  • How can your work make a big difference in your life and health? Well, when you’re not happy at work, then it does show up in the rest of your life. You may eat or drink more or you may get angry with others due to your feelings about work when you get home. It may make sleep more difficult. It’s not always possible to love everything about work every day. Changing your work is not always easy or something you can do right away. In the meantime, try to focus on the benefits your job provides you through your pay (or just having a job) and how to keep your attitude as positive as possible. If you can keep others from bringing you down, then you can focus on where you eventually wish to be and get there much sooner. You can make plans for a change by looking for something else or by educating yourself in a new skill. Your local library may have access to free Internet programs that allow you to learn new computer skills such as LinkedInLearning through your free library membership. Your local community college may offer programs of interest and the fees can be less than a university. Often, the hours are convenient or can be completed online. Schedule an in person appointment learn more or arrange an appointment for a phone call. Have your list of questions ready. There are trade schools available or many trades offer an apprenticeship as a way to learn while you work. Do some research to get a sense of what you might be interested and the availability in your area. As you work towards something else you current job make become easier to deal with as you realize it is not forever.

You already know you would benefit from adding many of these things to your life. They can make a big difference in your mood, attitude, and therefore lessen your stress. As you feel better, have less stress, then each change helps you get stronger. When it seems like so many things are out of your control in everything you read in the news, it can really help to focus on the things you can control and change in your life. Eliminating as much stress as possible is important to avoid so many of the chronic illnesses that so many experience. And, you will find making changes related to food will be much easier as well. Look to the next blog post on ideas to make changes in your meals that can be as budget friendly as possible.

Thanks for dropping by to check things out! Are you looking to make changes in your life and your health? Not quite sure where or how to begin? I’m happy to help! Contact me to schedule a simple Discovery Call for free to chat just a few minutes to learn more and decide if we’re a fit. There are options for one on one packages of various number of sessions or perhaps, we can discuss a custom package for you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and helping you move forward with your Best Self ever!


About the Author

Mary Schurr is an Integrative Health Coach in Charlotte, NC and a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC. She works with clients by phone or virtually.
