It’s More Than A New Diet

By Mary Schurr | Articles

Jan 25

We’re moving towards the end of January 2019. The gyms and health food stores all get super busy in early January. In just a few weeks, they all return to normal as everyone returns to life as it was before the “New Year”. I’ve heard that most New Year’s resolutions are over by January 12th. How do you make real, lasting change?

You plan and you make small, manageable steps towards success. One, two, or three small changes that are easy to implement and achieve. Then, add more as you find success and confidence. That works for many people. Or for some, you just jump in with one step in mind, go with it, stay consistent, and then add as you feel successful with that first step. We’re all different individuals and what works best for one…well, it just doesn’t cut it for another. Some people are planners and others are just spontaneous. It’s helpful to know what works best for you and not try to be a square peg in a round hole.

We know what we need to do…

Most of us know the changes we need to make. We have a good idea of the foods we should be including more of in our diet, that we should be drinking more water, getting more sleep, and moving/exercising more. We want to make changes. We’ve probably been planning to make these changes for a long time….years even! So, if we know what we want to do, why don’t we? What is holding us back?

Change can seem difficult and many of us don’t like change…unless perhaps, it’s our vacation. For many of us, we say it’s our obligations, such as our jobs, our families, our friends and social schedules, etc. How would we eat out or what would we take to lunch? How would we handle social situations? Where and how will we find the time?

There’s always an argument against something when we view it as a difficult thing for us to do. What if it’s much easier than we thought? Whether we’re planners or jump right “in-ers”, what if there is a way to make the changes we REALLY “deep down” want to make, much easier for us to achieve? Would you do it?

So, now what? How does this work?

Have you wondered what a Health Coach actually does? Helping with what I have just shared with you is part of what I do. Whatever the client’s goal is, we work towards it in a way that best suits them for success. It may be recipes, it may be routines to make breakfast, lunch, or bedtime easier for them, or it may be helping them understand why movement/exercise is difficult for them to implement successfully and how to hack that. Explaining the “whys” to help them understand the reason what they do in the first several hours of the morning can affect their sleep that night. Accountability is part of coaching, but sometimes showing the different paths to a goal is just as important. Again, we are all different and there is no “one size fits all” in how we each approach changes in our lives.

However, I think we all want to wake up feeling ready for the day, have the energy we need, sleep well through the night, and handle day to day stress without….well, getting stressed out! Imagine having a plan, so that it is easier to eat in a healthier way, find time for movement and exercise, make food shopping easier, and finding a way to create some “calm” in our lives when we need it most. How about looking forward to your next physical exam with your doctor? How about liking the person you see in the mirror? And, yes indeed, your need for weight loss or weight gain, is part of that change.

Free thirty minute discovery call to learn more…

I offer a free thirty minute discovery call to better understand your needs, explain what I do, including the programs I offer, and to see if we each think we could be a good fit together. I work with client by phone or virtually using Skype, Zoom, or other free video calling means. This makes it much easier to fit sessions into your schedule without the hassle of traffic.

So contact me and let’s schedule a time to talk about you! What do you have to lose? 30 minutes? How about what you have to gain by initially investing 30 minutes of your time!


About the Author

Mary Schurr is an Integrative Health Coach in Charlotte, NC and a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC. She works with clients by phone or virtually.
